Lille Grand Palais

Terms of use

Links between websites provides links to external websites. Zenith Aréna de Lille cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. Any link from an external website to must be authorized in advance by Zenith Aréna de Lille.

We offer a number of forms on the site that allow us to

  • better target customer requests, and be sure of obtaining the information you need to respond to them,
  • obtain all the information needed to validate the directory entry…

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk “*”. You are of course free not to fill in these forms. However, it is essential to fill in some of them in order to be able to respond to requests for documentation, newsletters or directory entries.

By filling in these forms, the Internet user transmits information that may be used by Zenith Aréna de Lille.

E-mail address:
By using a messaging software, the Internet user communicates his e-mail address to us. This address may be stored and used at a later date to propose services or commercial offers.

Personal information collected :

  • are subject to automated processing
  • are used to respond to the various services offered by the site. In accordance with French law no. 7817 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties, Internet users have the right to access, rectify and object to the use of their personal data.

How do I exercise this right?

  • by contacting us via the Contact page
  • by writing to Zenith Arena de Lille – 1 bld des cités unies – 59777 Lille-EuraLille

If you have any technical questions, please contact us via the Contact page.